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Where Operators

The selection and deletion queries use operators to allows comparing a key value with the keys in records or indices.

/** Comparison operators of the where clause. */
type Compares = '=' | '<' | '<=' | '>=' | '>';
/** Bounds operators of the where clause. */
type Bounds = '[]' | '()' | '(]' | '[)';
/** Operators of the where clause. */
type Operators = Compares | Bounds;
  • = — Checks that the record key equals the specified key.
  • < — Checks that the record key is less than the specified key
  • <= — Checks that the record key is less than or equal to the specified key
  • >= — Checks that the record key is greater than or equal to the specified key
  • > — Checks that the record key is greater than the specified key
  • [] — Checks that the record key is within or includes the specified lower and upper bounds. Synonymous with lower <= key && key <= upper.
  • () — Checks that the record key is within the specified lower and upper bounds. Synonymous with lower < key && key < upper.
  • (] — Checks that the record key is within the specified lower and within or includes the upper bounds. Synonymous with lower < key && key <= upper.
  • [) — Checks that the record key is within or include the specified lower and within the upper bounds. Synonymous with lower <= key && key < upper.

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